Friday, August 5, 2016

As we prepare to leave the hotel in Chinandega where we have stayed as we labored at LaJoya, we each have different emotions ...

This bit of writing from another source aptly describes our variety of feelings as we travel further and further away the little village of LaJoya, which in Spanish means "Jewell."

You're more precious than you know. What makes a gemstone so priceless? Rarity--whether from short natural supply, craftsmanship, or nostalgic or symbolic meaning--makes certain gems, stones and jewels precious. Thus the value of a stone depends on its existence, its form, and its context. Similarly, at birth you were given many valuable gifts, starting with your precious life that makes all of your experiences possible. Your form is another precious gift. This work of art, your exquisite physical body, possesses built-in processes and systems more detailed and astounding than will ever be fully known. Science cannot make a more perfect body. And you've been gifted with context--a living story that will take you on more adventures than any fiction writer could ever conceive. No one sees the world as you do. You alone synthesize all your experiences, and no one else has your particular vantage point. You may recall times filled with worries, fears and struggles, but you're here now, so you've prevailed. Through all your ups and downs, the worth of your existence has never altered.

God loves you ... to Nicaragua and back. 

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